Tag Archives: Pesach

L’Eau and Behold

One of Passover’s big themes is water.  The Sea in the Desert sets the stage for crossing the sea, coming through narrow straits, through a “birth canal” towards your own life, passing from received ideas towards self-awareness and freedom, singing in … Continue reading

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Passover & the Bright Light of Realism

Chag Sameach, Happy Passover! Some thoughts: American optimism has had its appeal to Jews, especially after endless struggles in the old country – but helium in that balloon has the wheeze of exhaustion. We are now returned to realism, to … Continue reading

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Speak, Kafka: What the Maxwell House Haggadah didn’t share

The Jewish way of telling things is famously contentious and fractured; stories get started, then start again differently (doesn’t an Origin story imply a single origin? Think again!)  The surface is not linear, stories grab you, then leave a key part … Continue reading

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Swing it, Miriam

I am imagining a little skit of two Jewish women kvetching at Passover.  They talk about how nothing changes: the degradation in Egypt, known as Mizraim, is not the distant past, but same old, same old: “Mizraim, Mizraim? We’re always … Continue reading

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